Original Taste

Coca - Cola Glass Bottle, Gravel

Museo Vostell Malpartida

Malpartida de Cáceres, Spain


Ready-made Sculpture filled with gravel collected on-site. Contained inside an emptied Coca -Cola bottle, purchased and drank during a visit to Museo Vostell Malpartida. A homage to the museum's founder, German painter and sculptor Wolf Vostell, a prominent practitioner of décollage, the opposite of collage; it is created by cutting, tearing away or otherwise removing, pieces of an original image. He appropriated the term to signify an aesthetic philosophy. Vostell’s working concept of décollage began in 1954, a visual force that breaks down outworn values and replaces them with thinking as a function distanced from media. He also called his Happenings Dé-coll/age-Happening. Vostell is considered one of the early adopters of video art and installation art and pioneer of Happenings and Fluxus.

Part of La JUAN Haus Residency curated by La JUAN Gallery, Madrid.




Thames Sculptures