Profile :

Hello, my name is KIMVI from the  United Kingdom. Born in North Wales, Bangor, to refugee parents from Vietnam and grew up in Hampshire, England. I am a Visual and Performance Artist with over ten years of experience, Graduated in Fine Art Sculpture from the University of Southampton - Winchester School of Art in England (2011). I am currently the Artist-in-Residence and Lecturer in the Department of Architecture Design at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in Suzhou, China, since January 2022.

My artistic disciplines focus on applying mixed forms of haptic and corporal research relating to the human body, combining social and cultural collaboration to create new art manifestations by re-interpreting and acknowledging traditional crafts, vernacular design, and architecture to inspire contemporary art-making. I recently spent two months researching Rural design with the villagers in southern China of Jiangxi Province, Funded by Lucitopia Residency and Academic Research supported by the School of Design from XJTLU. Currently, my performance film, 'Auntie Tiles,' made during Lucitopia residency, is shown part of the Cine Plus Performance Art Festival in Buenos Aries, Argentina, and received a special mention by Jury VestAndPage.

A selection of previous organisations and festivals; Territori Festival (Ibiza. Spain), Chisenhale Dance Studio (London. UK), loDeposito (Udine. Italy), International Theatre and art festival (Valladolid. Spain), Eugenio de Almeida Foundation (Evora. Portugal), The National Trust (Hampshire, UK), National Centre For Contemporary Arts (St. Petersburg. Russia), la JUAN Gallery (Madrid. Spain), VSSL Studio (London. UK), Cervantes Institute (Manchester. UK), ]performance space[ (Folkestone. UK), Creative Den Foundation (Tamnougalt, Morocco).

Rural Profile

(Bamboo & Artist Clothes)

Xi Art Museum Artist-in-Residence

Zixi, Jiangxi Provence. China